在引入jQuery的时候浏览器控制台显示:Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined at response.jsp:14:9第一种:常规方法 1.检查自己的路径有没有错误 1. 注意:上面引入jQuery的script标签一定要放在书写js代码标签的前面。 2.可以在引入jQuery标签的下面加上这一段标签代码检验一下是否引入成功。 if(typeof jQu...
Stop sending garbage to the method and it will stop complaining. If you calljQuery.parseJSON(x)and are unsure whetherxis defined but want anull, usejQuery.parseJSON(x || null)instead. As a reader of the code I would prefer to see that in order to understand thatxmay not be defined. ...